Little does the kid know, Jehovah is about as real as his teddy bear!
Not shocking, but sad indeed.
so, the latest "kids" kingdom melody video is out.. here are some screenshots:.
yep, that's right, they showed a kid with a teddy bear getting baptized.. here's the video in full for documentation, if you can stomach it..
Little does the kid know, Jehovah is about as real as his teddy bear!
Not shocking, but sad indeed.
i am 30 and i am hoping to meet the brother who i will love me for me and would want to marry me.
i want to marry only in the lord but as the balance of brothers and sisters are not even and i am getting older as time goes by, im kinda a little panicky now.
Just reading the title of this thread, I swore this was another incarnation of AuntConnie.
sometimes holidays can be hard on us.
some of us deserve a little toast today.. a toast to all the brave kids who broke up with their toxic moms.
I'll drink to that - Cheers!
as some of you know i was given pdf files of much of the conti and lopez child abuse court cases and asked from a friend to peruse through it and post some excerpts on the board here that may have been missed or not addressed in the pbs newshour report or the abc news nightline report.
so after going through this richard ashe testimony i feel i found something quite interesting that exposes the real attitudes of the wt society leaders towards child abuse and the attitudes wt leaders put into it's appointed men's minds as well.
the viewpoint that richard ashe displays is repeated in elders throughout thousands of jw congregations on this planet.
april video online.
at around 42 minutes, a women find jehovahs witness, but her husband is not too hot on the idea and so she has to study with her children in secret.
however eventually the husband prays to jehovah that if jehovah will help him find a leak in a construction he is working on, he will go to a meeting and presto, the next day jehovah help him find the leak so now he is a witness..
to funny nice job....
Pondering further. . .
. . .this stuff is almost like the apostate version of cart witnessing.
People proudly exposing themselves as complete fools in a public area, with absolutely little or no effect on anyone but themselves.
to funny nice job....
Just curious:
How effective is this particular "method" of getting people out of the org say, in comparison to sites like jwfacts or even awakened individuals planting seeds of doubt in family members?
Any numbers to reflect the great success you've achieved in your flash-mob style endeavors?
to funny nice job....
Had this bunch of jerkoffs been ex-Muslims pulling this kind of shit in a mosque on an Islamic holy day, none of them would have left the building with their heads attached.
Hardly brave, bold or ballsy.
after years of leaked info, the gb has finally decided to publish their own shepherding textbook in epub format.. dear brothers:.
we are pleased to inform you that the shepherding textbook is now available in epub,.
mobi, and pdf format.
Anyone ambitious enough could always print out a paper copy, scan it into a PDF and redistribute it.
wife and i have not reported a single hour of fs in 3-4 months.
while my wife is mostly doing for me (positive thing), i know she would have rather done it.
elder asked me to turn in my fs report this past week and then he added... "we need to talk".
"Yes brother I would love to talk, but first, could you loan me $5000? We're realling going through some hard financial times. . . ."
You'll never hear from him again!
Really, you just have to say "I'm not interested in discussing anything, thanks."